Thank you very much for the invitation! In the many years that I have been with the company, a lot has happened in my life and the Steuler community has always been by my side. That's a good feeling that I'm happy to pass on to others.
1994, almost exactly 30 years ago, was a privately stressful time for me. As an engineer with no professional experience and a child, my chances on the job market didn't look very promising. To make ends meet, I applied for an advertised porter position in the switchboard. The then Managing Director of Equipment Engineering saw my application and immediately offered me a job in Equipment instead. That was a positive turning point for me and the start of my career here.
Since I started at Steuler, I have worked in almost every equipment engineering department and all of them have given me valuable experience. I also found my time as a sick leave replacement, during which I sold wire finishing systems as a project planner, very enriching. These two years considerably deepened my understanding of other processes and procedures in the company.
After just a short time in the team, I was able to experience the excellent team spirit among my colleagues. My first customer and construction site contacts meant a lot to me, because they gave me the feeling that I was holding my own professionally and that I had the full support of my department. That showed me that I was in the right place.
Many people - especially women - ask themselves whether they want a family or a career. When I look back on my time here, it's never been either/or. In my department, I feel welcome and valued, like in a family, and the other departments stand by us like good neighbors. Whatever happens, everyone receives the support they need here, as I have experienced for myself: Twice in my career I have been absent for long periods of time, once after a traffic accident and once during my pregnancy - in neither case did this result in any disadvantages. This team spirit and mutual support are characteristic of our company.
It was definitely a challenge to familiarize myself with the different areas each time and it wasn't always easy to juggle family and career for three years as a single parent.
I am particularly proud to have been working with Steuler Equipment Engineering for so long. This consistency is not something I take for granted, and it shows that I feel comfortable and passionate about my work.
That I would still be here. (laughs) I can actually imagine staying with the company until I retire. After all these years, I still enjoy coming to work and feel like I'm in good hands. Life has many a surprise and challenge in store and you can't predict where it will take you. Especially in times when you sometimes feel like you have to bite your way through, it's incredibly reassuring when you can count on support from your employer. I consider myself lucky to have found that in Steuler.
This personal story is one of many special people who have made Steuler what it is today.
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